Monday, March 14, 2011

Bachelor Monday.

(Don't let the smile fool you. I am so not looking forward to the next two weeks of midterms and papers).

Back in the Thrill, after a relaxing weekend at home. It's good to be back honestly, I'm finally to the point where I don't like being away from Chapel Hill for long. But my work load is out the roof for the next week or two, and I apologize in advance for not blogging as often/my lack of creativity.

But anywho, in lieu of Mondays, I decided to make a list of five ways to make your Monday better:
  1. Get up a little early to fix a healthy breakfast, spend time in God's word, and start your day on the right note. It makes a world of difference.
  2. Grab a Coke Zero, cherry. No calories and it's a quick pick-me-up in the middle of the afternoon. Especially if you're like me and run on caffeine.
  3. If it's a nice out, go for a quick 30 minute walk. Spending your whole day in the library is not a way to spend a Monday.
  4. Watch your favorite show. Take a break from hitting the books and turn on say, the finale of the Bachelor tonight.
  5. Plan out your week/month. Write down small tasks for each day so you're organized and prepared, not overwhelmed by how much you have to do that week.

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