(Don't let the smile fool you. I am so not looking forward to the next two weeks of midterms and papers).
Back in the Thrill, after a relaxing weekend at home. It's good to be back honestly, I'm finally to the point where I don't like being away from Chapel Hill for long. But my work load is out the roof for the next week or two, and I apologize in advance for not blogging as often/my lack of creativity.
But anywho, in lieu of Mondays, I decided to make a list of five ways to make your Monday better:
- Get up a little early to fix a healthy breakfast, spend time in God's word, and start your day on the right note. It makes a world of difference.
- Grab a Coke Zero, cherry. No calories and it's a quick pick-me-up in the middle of the afternoon. Especially if you're like me and run on caffeine.
- If it's a nice out, go for a quick 30 minute walk. Spending your whole day in the library is not a way to spend a Monday.
- Watch your favorite show. Take a break from hitting the books and turn on say, the finale of the Bachelor tonight.
- Plan out your week/month. Write down small tasks for each day so you're organized and prepared, not overwhelmed by how much you have to do that week.
How excited are you about Emily?! LOVE HER!